Livestrong photo

By Cate Plekon, Lifestyle Medicine Manager

You can tell a friend about losing your hair or chemo, but if you haven’t been through it, it’s hard to understand. For Sandra, the Livestrong program gave her the chance to be with and talk to people who could relate to what she was going through. In Sandra’s case it was lymphoma. 

Today Sandra is doing well and, in talking about her experience, says “I didn’t want the program to end. It made me exercise!” 

In partnership with the Livestrong Foundation, the YMCA Livestrong program helps cancer survivors return to health after treatment. The 12-week program is offered at no cost to participants who have been diagnosed with cancer. Improving physical strength and endurance is our goal, but mental and emotional support is equally important. You do not have to be a member of the YMCA to be part of the program, but if you are not, you get a complimentary family membership for the duration of your time in the program. An extra incentive! 

For Dave, a participant who underwent four cycles of chemo and 35 high doses of radiation, he needed guided support. “The impact of the program has been tremendous.” 

We believe in total wellness at the YMCA. Through the Livestrong program, we meet participants exactly where they are. The program is open to any cancer survivor – you may be recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment, preparing for surgery, or a year into remission. We can help. 

This is the fifth year of our program, and we are proud to have helped more than 100 participants through the program. While COVID-19 sidetracked in-person interaction in 2020, sessions continued virtually for those who were able to join. 2021 sessions restarted this month at the University Hills and Littleton YMCAs.  

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about the Livestrong program at the YMCA, encourage them to check into our Livestrong program or contact us at